Sunday, July 27, 2008

Office Max, Staples, Office Depot deals for the week of July 27

Lots of school supplies this week. Let's start with office max.

24 pack of crayons .01
ruler .01
sharpie mini highlighters .05
assorted eraser pack .25
jr 5 in. scissors .25
post it's-bogo .01
all crayola markers, crayons, pencils, paint b2g1 .01
expo and uni ball pens b2g1 .01
all Bic pens, pencils, correction tape and markers b2g1 .01
photo paper b1g1 .01

FREE pentel energel pens-(after $3 IR and $2.99 ER)
slider pencil case .01
plastic report cover .20
mini stapler .25
Bic highlighters/Atlantis pens .99
FREE electric stapler (after 4.99 IR and $10 ER)

Office Depot
FREE Ticonderoga dry erase markers ($3.99 MIR)
OD glue .01
ruler .05
OD composition books .30
Crayola colored pencils .50
assorted backpacks 2.99

Don't forget TAX FREE days are Aug 1-3

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